Monday, January 29, 2007

An invitation to celebration!

Greetings dear friends in Christ,

Sorry for not being very engaged in this group. Like all, the first year of pastoring and moving is all quite overwhelming. I’m sure we will all be able to stay in touch better next year. Anyhow, I have some great news.

Thanks to God's grace & empowerment, and all the prayer and support of many, I just successfully passed all the EPC written and oral ordination exams!!!

This blessing is made even more special, as the journey was even more challenging, in that I had already passed the PCUSA exams, but needed to redo some of the ordination process when I transferred into the EPC.

We are going to celebrate this with all our heart, and with the fullness of Christ's joy (life offers so few opportunities for such joy and celebration, so you've got to go all out when the Father grants such a time!), and so we invite you to celebrate with us!!!

This means, Lord willing, my ordination and installation service will be on March 4th at 4 pm at Third Presbyterian Church. You are all of course all invited.

Truly our triune God is good…all the time!

In joy inexpressible & full of God's glory,
Chris English