Sunday, May 06, 2007

a new appointment

Dear Friends and Colleagues in ministry,

This morning I announced to the congregation my appointment to Spirit Lake UMC in the Iowa Annual Conference as an associate pastor effective July 1. I had my interview last Sunday with the pastor and PPR committee. The family was able to go along and visit the community and the schools. Hannah gives it two thumbs up - as there are cute boys at the school!

I must admit that I am still a bit surprised to be going so far west - Spirit Lake is on the border with Minnesota, just north of Lake Okoboji. It is a smallish rural community - but a large church (over 300 in worship on a Sunday). The senior pastor has been there for 4 years, her name is Kay Hooper. I have been called to be responsible for Family and Youth ministries with a focus on spiritual formation and leadership development.

While I am excited about this new chapter in my life, it is a very different one than what we have enjoyed for the past 4 years. My whole family would appreciate your prayers during this time of transition...

We will be having an open house/BBQ on June 24th from noon - 3pm. We hope that you and your family will be able to join us for some southern style BBQ. In the meanwhile, blessings to you and your ministries!

Yours in Christ,
