Friday, June 02, 2006


Iguana'ed to feed the goat.

So I sanitized my hands.

But I was too late!

(This snake is about as wide as Kris Alwin's torso.)

I was very angry!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Summer fun ?

OK, here's a spot for everyone to post their summer plans and post how things are going this far. I do realize that the summer has not progressed all that much. In fact it has not even been a week since I have been in Iowa. None the less I would like to hear how everyone is doing and what they are up to...that and I am borded stiff...God bless

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

William Alexander Homan

William Alexander Homan was born May 30th, at 1:23 A.M. He weighs 10 pounds 10 ounces, and is 22 inches long (A very big boy). Mom and baby are both doing great, and we thank you all for your prayers, calls, and visits. If you would like to see some pics, I have created a blog here at blogspot just for sharing pics. Just go to

Again, thank you all and God bless you all and good luck with those interviews all, I've been making lists and praying for you all as dates arive for church visits etc. We will be bringing baby Will home tomorrow (June 1st).

God bless, God keep, and God speed,


Monday, May 29, 2006

Prayers would be appreciated

Dear All,

Prayers would be appreciated for our family this week - our eldest daughter, Lauren, fractured her foot last Tuesday - we are hoping that the swelling will go down enough so that she can get a permanent cast. Lauren is 17.

Pray also for Hannah, who is 13. Tomorrow morning she will have her adnoids and tonsils removed. She is very afraid of needles, and is anxious about the whole thing. We must be at the hospital in Monroe by 6:45am.

Thank you friends for your prayers - it looks to be a tough week for the rest of us who are un-wounded! Ethan, Justin, Steven and myself.


Sunday, May 28, 2006

Softball Photos!

If anyone is interested in seeing the photos from the April softball game just email me and I'll send them to you. There is an awesome action shot of Amy. These are the ones that appeared in the Good News.