Friday, March 02, 2007

Update from the Homans

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,

Time really has flown by. Already a half year gone!!! Ministry has been full of suprises, as well as all the more predictable moments in ministry. It was an interesting month this last month existing as a Colts fan in the heart of Bears country (we are only an hour or so away from downtown Chicago so you can imagine.) Naturally small verbal jabs were thrown all in good fun and somehow I even managed not to gloat much after the big win.

Ministry has been going really well here as the youth fellowship is really beginning to grow. We have 10 kids coming to Senior High fellowship when there was none at all last year. I'm teaching "topic classes" on a regular basis as our adult ed has grown to three classes and 15-30 adults in Sunday School. Preaching every week has been a bit of a grind, but I have recently forced myself to take a full day away to work on nothing but my sermon and that has helped a ton. Otherwise it is the usual things.

God has really blessed us and the Holy Spirit continues to sustain us. I am so thankful for this community and really am amazed at how God led us to this place. I too miss the interaction and community that we had at UD. What I wouldn't give for a night of praise band, beer and theology, or texas hold 'em. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to catching up with friends at spring renewal.

William is growing like a weed. He just turned 9 months old. He has 7 teeth, working on more... says mama, dada, and trinitarian perichoritic coactivity, and of course... the most exciting news - he is finally sleeping through the night!!! Alyssa and I are also expecting him to start crawling any day. The church simply loves him, however more Sunday's than not he is the showstealer.

On a prayer point, and perhaps seeking some group wisdom.. I have a situation that could potentially develop. Long and short, a former member who had a "falling out" with the church purchased a ciborium for our church (I had to look it up... it is what catholics use to hold the sacred host i.e. magic wafers). It was purchased like 4 years ago and was simply never delivered to the church. We are having a dedication Sunday this month, and low and behold.. out of the woodworks comes this ciborium. Brothers and sisters... what on earth am I supposed to do with this ciborium????? Any words of wisdom would be very welcome.

Otherwise... a few shout outs. Cheyanna - Its great to hear all the great things happening in your ministry, Scott - it sounds like you are exactly where God wants you to be as well, Chris- God bless you in your ordination! I know he has great things planned for you. Finally Matt - if you ever find your band getting close to the Chicago area... give me buzz, I'd love to have you play!

For all the rest who haven't posted, I do pray that all is well with you... I know we are all busy... It seems as though in some way Easter and Christmas were just one long season :p. I pray that God be with you in all your ministries and you have a blessed Lent and Easter.

God bless, God keep, and God speed,


P.S. feel free to e-mail me any time - (text adjusted to avoid blogg fishers)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Marks of Community

Greetings Everyone!

In the past month I have on two occasions spent time with a graduating UDTS senior. What a blessing it was for me to hear about how everyone is doing. To have someone tell theological jokes and laugh at the stories I told. Both times were great fun.

The second such meeting found me at a Presbytery Assembly meeting voting on the ordination of a friend and classmate. I sat in awe of the journey that God has allowed me to witness in that student. And while I will not share their news I am happy to report that there will be another UDTS grad in our presbytery.

I discovered at this Presbytery meeting that we all bear marks of the UDTS community. When our classmate was standing before the body for examination I heard the echoes of professors voices and echoes of conversations we have all had in the classrooms, hallways and cul-de-sacs. For a moment I closed my eyes and I was back in the comfort of our community. I heard words like trinitarian and community. The icing on the cake was when our classmate was being escorted out and I heard the person walking with them say "Have you had Professor E.C.?" I chuckled.

Life here is going great. I am still amazed each time I receive a paycheck. How is it that I get paid for doing something I love so much? I officiated at my first funeral EVER last week on Ash Wednesday. It was a powerful experience. I am still exhausted.

Congrats to Matt & Emily on the baby! Welcome to parenthood - it is a heck of a journey. Matt, do you have a free Friday or Saturday to come down and play in June?

Be sure to stop by if you travel our way we are only one mile off the interstate.