Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lounging in Birmingham...

Greetings from General Assembly!

I have actually be doing anything BUT lounging. Since arriving, I have been around people nonstop until this morning when I had time to relax a bit before the day began. In any case, I thought I'd update you all on how the Assembly is going so far.

Yesterday we began meeting in our committees. I am on the GA Procedures committee. We have and will primarily deal with budget issues and "standing rules" of the GA. So, there are per capita overtures, overtures to change the age of Youth Advisory Delegates, and other matters. Yesterday should have gone incredibly quickly, we didn't cover much of anything of substance. Yet, people still got hung up on details that make little differences. I will say, though, while I was hoping for one of the theological or ecclesiological committees (those are my interests), this committee has been an excellent lesson in parlimentary procedure and polity. Regarding the other committees, I have not heard too much. Mark (Hughes) spent most of the day yesterday in a committee discussing marriage -- I gather it was very intense. In a close vote, they did not affirm that marriage is between a man and a woman, if that gives you an idea. I have not heard much about the other committees. I'm hoping to be done with mine today. If that happens I'll be able to listen in on the other committees.

On the negative side, it is frustrating seeing all the politiquing and such. I would much rather the church be able to dialogue without Robert's Rules. At the same time, I have witnessed the fact that it is extremely effective at keeping things decently and in order. (However, it is completely useless in the realm of time efficiency!) It is also disheartening witnessing some of the heterodox and near heretical views that are brought up. Thankfully those views are far from the majority. It is also frustrating seeing those who hold similar views as myself live by the rules of power, rather than the rules of love.

On the positive side, despite the many "hot issues", power struggles, and cultural/theological differences, there is great unity in the Presbyterian Church. I have been deeply moved by the vast amounts of agreement on so many issues. While there are certainly divisive issues, at this point, they have been overshadowed by the unity. We have voted in an excellent moderator -- Joan Gray (you Presbyterian student will recognize her as the author of our polity book). She is a humble woman, with a great heart, and has clearly been called to help lead us in her position as Moderator. It has also been a joy spending time with the othdr seminary advisory delegates (TSAD's). It gives me further hope for the church. One of the best parts has been meeting so many people from so many different places.

By the way, the flight down was quite entertaining as we had an entire plane full of Presbyterians! It was quite humorous.

I hope that gives some of you an overview of what's happening so far. Hopefully, on the next one I'll be able to provide more interesting details. Unfortunately, I have to jet so I can hit my committee meeting! Please continue to pray for Assembly -- for humilty, discernment, listening skills, and a good sense of humor in everything! (Please post any questions!!!)


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Moving on

Moving on from UDTS is a difficult thing to do. In preparing to travel over 1000 miles to Amish Country I told myself to think of the great experience that awaited; I attempted to put DBQ and everything behind me as this would make the trip a little easier. NO GO. As I schlepped across the country I was continually reminded of ya'll. I passed about half a dozen "Bennett St." exits which only reminded me of, well, Bennett St. not to mention the neighbor with the same last name, and the "Bennett St." sign that found its way into Shawn's truck. I honestly passed a city named Phillips. There is a Sharon, Penn and even more strange a Dubois Penn. There was also a St. Clair somewhere in Ohio I believe.

When I finally got here I thought to myself "finally, now I can go about my work and try not to think about everyone else". There is a couple in my church with the last name Hoehne. On my way to work...every morning...I pass a "Hollow Way" (no joke), there is a sign outside a church I pass that reads "Jenn's Church", and last of all I pass a "Leicester Rd." (honestly). Senior's do not resist, there is no getting away from UDTS. Give in to the temptation and think of us...I just pray it has nothing to do with Bizarro Tables or secret meetings with the assistant dean... try to think only good thoughts…if nothing else watch Going Ape.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On To Minden

I am in the process of checking my e-mail (and, therefore, the blog) for the last time before I pack up the 'ol CPU. Julie and I roll out on Friday morning. Please pray for our U-Haul truck (I've heard stories).

Boxes now fill our rooms, the walls are bare. There's a moving truck the size of Detroit in our front yard this morning being filled with the Jewetts' furniture. What was once avoidable or at the very least able to be put aside is becoming very real...we are leaving Dubuque and the community we have come to love very much.

Thank you for a truly wonderful three years...the memories of Bagel Bashes, impromptu worship services, raucous lunches, games of catch, Danza movies, Tom Jones listening parties, and all those other brilliant moments of laughter, prayer, worship, insight, and love will remind me of how impossibly good God has been.

Talk to you again from Nebraska.


PS--Two prayer requests:
1) Julie's grandfather that she was very close to passed away yesterday. Please pray for her, for me, and for her family.
2) We candidate in Colorado a week from Sunday....please pray for us, and I'll keep you posted.

Graduation Pictures

Good morning all! I was just finishing up the pictures that I took at Graduation 2006! I thought that I would let you all see it before I put the offical link to it up on the UDTS website.
If you guys check it out - let me know what you think! I added captions to most of the images so make sure you look at them to see if I spelled everything correctly!
Have fun!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It Is Finished ...

The m28 CD "Tell the World" is finally finished. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement and prayers throughout the project. After I take a nap, I'm going to update the website, get some clips up there and a Paypal shopping cart for processing orders online. Looking for a location for a release party sometime in July ... when I find one, you're all invited!

Hope you are doing well, and know that I miss you all.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Just an update.

When the congregation heard about the session's decision, there was an uprising. The session is reconsidering their decision. But, what I have now is half of the congregation wants my head on a plate and half of the congregation wants to nominate me for sainthood. I would prefer to be somewhere in between.

Blessings All,
