Friday, June 09, 2006

Hey Y'all,

I are a Candydate!

I was examined by Indian Nations Presbytery and in their infinite wisdom, they advanced me to Candidate.

On a less positive note, the churches I am pastoring opted not to renew my contract next year.


If anyone knows of a church that needs a student pastor; let me know.

If anyone is looking for a church, I know of a vacancy.

By the way, I looked around and there are all kinds of sinners out there in the world, so you graduates get out there and get to work.

Love Y'all.

1 comment:

Lis said...

Congratulations Ron! God obviously has a strong call of ministry on your life. I don't see it as "losing your church" (no offense Kim, but we should choose our words wisely - HA! listen to mmmee!) I consider it a student pastorate position that you're ready to move out of - and into the next learning phase. I'm praying for you - as I'm sure others are! You're such a blessing!