Thursday, June 01, 2006

Summer fun ?

OK, here's a spot for everyone to post their summer plans and post how things are going this far. I do realize that the summer has not progressed all that much. In fact it has not even been a week since I have been in Iowa. None the less I would like to hear how everyone is doing and what they are up to...that and I am borded stiff...God bless


Pastor Tony said...

Here is my post:

Sunday I got up and drove about 11 hours; I made it into Pennsylvania on the first night. I thought I was doing well. I thgouht I would be able to sleep in and take it easy the rest of the way. Well in my zeal to get to Penn I took a wrong turn in the dead of night and ended up a half hour away from the interstate I needed. That was actually all that happened to me on the way.

Things have been real good here. I really enjoy the people I will be working with and already respect the Associate Pastor I will be working with. He is fantastic...he's a C like me yet very laid back. The other interns are young...20, 21, 23 which is kind of cool. Today I tought them about what communion means in a Presbyterian Church (two are lutherans...they're our mission field for the summer). Tomorrow I will be helping to lead a discussion on the MBTI. The Asoc. Pastor is great. I know this will be a great place to learn and grow.

I am really psyched for the summer programming too. I can't wait to go tubing down the Deleware river and get paid to hang out with kids. From the sounds of things there is great leadership among the adults in the church and the youth committee is actually actve in the programs and very active in leading events.

Like I've told a couple of people's just great to be able to put what I learned about for two years in to practice...but don't tell the professors...wouldn't want them to get big heads.

As it turns out I will be getting to go to New York this summer. I am already planning on going next weekend and then a couple more times later on. My heart is broke becuase I will not get to see the Patron Saint in action...I will have to manage some how...God bless...

Deborah Coble said...

My day...

up at 6 - can't sleep in because I'm still programmed to get up early.

Kids up by 8 - they can sleep.


Pretend to clean office - spend too much time checking weather forecast, severance lounge and other blogs...

eat lunch. sandwiches - again - missing Sylvia's chicken salad...

Take wild bunch to the pool. Water is still too cold for this mom - but getting a great tan - and attempting to read something for fun...why did I pick up the Faulkner Anthology anyway? Hmmm. Wish I had a study group to figure this guy out...

Home, too much time in the sun, wiped out for the rest of the day.

Time for dinner - not sure what to cook...something with chicken.

Read/go to ball game/practice... or if I am really desperate watch re-runs - though they aren't re-runs for me as I didn't watch network TV during school year.

If it's Friday I knock out the bulletin for Sunday.

Remind myself that this really is my last summer of leisure!