Saturday, July 29, 2006

Email and snail mail

I am sure I am not the only person here who desires email address and mailing address for thoes who have graduated. Here is a place for everyone to post their new email address and their mailing address (if desired). Help those of us who wish to stay in contact by giving your info. Plus it will help you. After all one can't pray for someone else with out an email address or a mailing us to help you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember that this is a public site for the entire world to look at and get the info you post.

Also, there are many email gleaners out there -- programs that scan every page on the web for emails to use and send spam to. The best way to post an email on a site is to seperate the two parts of the email within a sentence - the gleaner programs search for the format of "charachters@characters.whatever

This happens to church websites too -- you should have your church put one statement at the top of the list of emails indicating what the username is followed with (such as "please type the username below followed immediately with @fpcanytown").

Just want us all to be safe.