Saturday, August 26, 2006

Many thanks ...

to Kim and Deb for the compliments, and to all of you who have been gracious enough to purchase a copy of "Tell the World." I am delighted that you have responded so positively to the music and the ministry. Kim, arranging us to come your way is as easy as giving me a call. We've got everything we need to come and do a worship concert for you, all you have to do is say when. Deb, thanks for remembering Emily in the mix ... she is often the earthly lifeblood of all I do, and she needs reminded of that, too.

I'm excited to get back to school (mostly to get done) but a little frightened as to how I'm going to balance this budding ministry with my two churches and school. Oh, well. It hasn't been easy since I started, so why would it be that way now?

One plug ... the songs are now all on iTunes for the techno-savvy of the group. Reviews have been favorable there and downloads have been brisk (oddly enough, in Australia and Germany).

Speaking of Germany, did anyone fine the whole Madonna mock crucifixion thing at all interesting? I found it strange that German officials were talking about shutting her show down if she did it because it would be seen as "religious intolerance." Christians must be in a stark minority in Europe for this to be seen in the light that it is. I can't help but wonder if anyone would even care here. Curious as to your thoughts.

EDIT: Thanks to Barb as well. Sorry for excluding from the initial post. Praying for you on the ords ...


Matthew Johnson said...

I'm not the lead on Times Will Get Better, The One and the verses on So Fine. I sing all the others.

Matthew Johnson said...

So happens we're looking for a place to play in Minneapolis/St. Paul ... might there be a certain daughter that can find us a venue?