Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Update from the Homans

Well... It has been a long, long month. We have been homeless wanderers for about 32 days now, only 8 more to go. We have visited 8 different places, and stayed in no one place for more than 4 days. We have had a blast catching up with family members, but have really hated this living out of a suitcase thing. Good news is... we will FINALLY be in Fairbury, IL August 8th to move into our house. My start date there is August 13th.

I was ordained here at Moorhead, MN this last Saturday. What a wonderful day. It was two very very stressful weeks leading up to it though. The Presbytery of the Northern Plains has not ordained anyone in like 8 years, rather they've had like 30 CLP's.. so they are far.. far.. far to used to not ordaining people. The whole "talking to other presbyteries" thing was a foriegn concept I had to urge them to get beyond. Many phone calls later the Holy Spirit moved them and all fell into place.

William was baptized on Sunday. It was great for me to just be "dad" and have him baptized at my home church. Most of our families took part in the "two for one" deal we were offering so we spent the weekend entertaining thirty or so family members.

This week we are finally seeing things wind down. We are getting ready for and looking forward to the big move coming up. I will post again once we get a bit more settled in Fairbury.

It is great to hear from you all. It is wonderful to have this blog to keep up with friends who we are so used to just jogging outside to say hello to. We miss you and think about you often. I hope all is well with the moves and ordinations as we all move forward in the process.

God bless, God keep, and God speed

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