Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Greetings from the Land of Ice!

We are still buried under a bit of ice. We are all watching the powerlines in hopes that they will not fall down. Thankfully we have only had power flickers not an outage. God is good

When Jewett mentioned the theological attributes of a banana it made me realize how much I am missing having conversations and strectching my brain in the area of theological studies. I am learning a lot about about how theology is lived out in a small town but I don not feel as if I am being challenged as much as I was while we were all in class. Is any one else encountering this?

Finally, will any of you out there share how you manage to get your sermon done and delivered well each Sunday? I could use some help in that area.

I pray that all of you are enjoying the winter weather. Take care.

1 comment:

Scott said...

One thing has helped my preaching (and especially my ability to get the sermon done in a timely fashion) more than anything else. I now go home on Tuesday afternoons and spend that time writing.

Writing out of the office seems to increase my ability to focus. I have also realized that I NEED to be reading. I have started reading sermons, poetry, short stuff...simply to "re-stock" my brain. My time to do this is irregular...but I'm realizing I need to do it.

That's all I got....I'm running out of ideas here, too.