Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Seeking Communication

Greetings Everyone!

I hope that 2007 has found you healthy and content. While we have nowhere near the snow the Phillips' have, we are still enjoying our winter season. If for no other reason than I actually get to see the farmers in the daytime, during the week and thankfully in worship on Sunday.

I had a parishioner come to me asking me to do research about the rapture. They gave me some information they were looking for and said, "I know that you are busy, but sometime could you look some stuff up for me . . . " It was a God moment in that I had walked into the building with the intention of finding something to study and challenge me in my walk with God. So anyway, I did a very small amount of research in some of the books on my shelves and found out a lot that I was not even aware of. So I am coming to all of you in hopes that you have some spare time to talk about what God has taught you about the second coming, the tribulation, the rapture and all the apocalyptic language that permeates the Bible.

Thanks in advance for your replies to one no longer walking the halls of academia. lol

1 comment:

Cheyanna said...

Okay. This wasn't a good topic of conversation. I do want to let you know what I was shocked to discover. I have always thought that there were to ideas about Christ's return - the Left Behind crowd and the "we don't know because we're not God" crowd. What I discovered is that there are so many different ideas about Christ's return that it is no wonder that people are confused. It is definitely an interesting topic to study. :)