Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'll bite ...

OK, out from the tomb I walk ... maybe that's what the smell has been around here. Anyhoo, hope you all are well. Two things from the Johnson house of which you may not be privy: baby and award nomination. No, they are not related.

First, we are expecting our first child smack in the middle of Holy Week. We are quite excited, and now beginning to have a bit of anxiety; normal, I'm sure, but that doesn't help my stomach. Certain grandparents-to-be are excited and manipulative ... it's like getting married all over again, but with lots of yellow and green baby things strewn about the house. I must say, Emily is doing very well with the pregnancy. She's a trooper, and leaves the complaining to me (I am much better at it, after all). We'll let you know when the big day arrives.

Also, our band m28 has been nominated again for a RAMI Award as the best area Christian Artists. We are excited about that, too. If you'd like to vote for us, you can do so here: Rockford Area Music Industry Awards.

The music ministry is going well. Our MySpace is a flurry of activity (If you don't have one to relate to your community's youth, you are really missing out ... MySpace is their community) and we are building relationships with people 18-35 all over the world. If I ever meet someone from your community, I'll be sure to send them your way.

The offer still stands to all of you for us to come and share our music in your community. Let me know how we can be a part of your participation in God's mission for your local church.

Love you all in Christ!


Cindy Marino said...

Congratulations Matt and Emily,
Seems you've known this for awhile! Holy Week is not so far away! I'll be anxious to see you all at graduation. Emily, you're in my prayers. Matt, don't give up on the invite to play. We're merging with another church, so things are going in several directions right now. It's all good. Peace,

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS MATT AND EMILY!!!! How cool is that?