Friday, August 24, 2007

Walking On Water

When I started CPE, my supervisor (a Presbyterian) asked me, "How good an evaluation do you need to convince your committee that you should be ordained?" I said, "I need to walk on water." Hence the title of this post. As it turned out, I took to hospital ministry like a duck to water. I ended up getting a stellar evaluation. Then I had an appointment with my committee.

When I walked into the conference room to face the committee, I felt like I was walking into a Bizzarro world where nothing was familiar. The committee that in the past had nothing but doubts and criticism for me suddenly had nothing but praise and adoration. It was embarrassing! I was certified as ready to receive a call without hesitation. I was sent forth to engage the forces of evil with great fanfare. I was hugged by everyone in the room. Again embarrassing!

Maybe I didn't walk on water, but I did work hard and I did do a good job and I was recognized for having done a good job. At the end of the day, that is really all that any of us can ask for.

Grace and Peace


Hughes said...

Congratulations! Try to forget about the negatives of the past and try to focus on what lies ahead...Shaylene and I have NO DOUBTS that you have been called by God into pastoral ministry. Blessings to you and Lori as you begin your call search.

Peace to you my brother,

Cheyanna said...


I am so glad to hear your news. CPE is a powerful experience. I am amazed more and more how it can change a person and confirm our call to ministry.

You will be a blessing the congregation that calls you.

There are a few openings and soon to be openings in our presbytery. We just lost one UDTS grad but I am sure I speak for Mark and the other UDTS alum when I say we would gladly welcome lots more!

Take care.