Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On To Minden

I am in the process of checking my e-mail (and, therefore, the blog) for the last time before I pack up the 'ol CPU. Julie and I roll out on Friday morning. Please pray for our U-Haul truck (I've heard stories).

Boxes now fill our rooms, the walls are bare. There's a moving truck the size of Detroit in our front yard this morning being filled with the Jewetts' furniture. What was once avoidable or at the very least able to be put aside is becoming very real...we are leaving Dubuque and the community we have come to love very much.

Thank you for a truly wonderful three years...the memories of Bagel Bashes, impromptu worship services, raucous lunches, games of catch, Danza movies, Tom Jones listening parties, and all those other brilliant moments of laughter, prayer, worship, insight, and love will remind me of how impossibly good God has been.

Talk to you again from Nebraska.


PS--Two prayer requests:
1) Julie's grandfather that she was very close to passed away yesterday. Please pray for her, for me, and for her family.
2) We candidate in Colorado a week from Sunday....please pray for us, and I'll keep you posted.


Nicky Story said...

Scott and Julie! I will miss you both so much!!! This campus will not be the same without either of you. Keep us posted on contact info. If you guys need help loading the truck - let me know. With much love and tears - Nicky

Deborah Coble said...

Our prayers are with you for safe travels! We will also lift you up in prayer for your loss.

God speed Scott and Julie

Caryn said...

Scott, you and Julie are in my prayers. Let us know how we can reach you and how everything went. Are you preaching from Second Mark for your candidating sermon??