Friday, July 06, 2007

"Reverend" sounds a little strange!

Hi everyone,
We are settling down here in Edgington after a 90 mile move from Dubuque to just south of the Quad Cities. Ordination was May 20th, and Installation at Edgington Presbyterian Church was last Sunday, July 1st. I started officially serving this congregation on June 3rd. It has been a busy month...much busier than I ever anticipated for the first month on the job.

I have already buried two members. The first death happened just two weeks after arriving. A leader within the church and community, a highly respected and beloved individual, committed suicide on a Friday morning. It's an interesting feeling driving to a home where a family is waiting for you where a loved one has just taken their own life! The funeral was huge...I was told there was around 300 in the sanctuary; the balcony was flexing from the weight on it, and people were in the basement listening on the p.a. system. I spent a lot of time that weekend...and continue to do so, talking about God's faithfulness in light of our own unfaithfullness.

We went to a Quad City Swings baseball game a few weeks ago in downtown Davenport. THey are a St. Louis Cardinals minor league team, and I kept thinking how much Scott P., Blake S., and the other Cubs fans would have enjoyed being there.

The installation last weekend was great. Pat Sileo gave the charge to the congregation, and Cheyanna Losey gave the charge to me. Phil Jamieson and his family came down from was just a really nice afternoon of worshipping God, and participating in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ.

I appreciate your prayers as I will be delivering my first "powerpoint" sermon this Sunday on Galatians 6 (lectionary). The church installed a retractable screen and mounted a projector to the ceiling last year. They have been using it for announcements and for music, but never for a sermon...we'll see how this goes!

Peace to you all,

1 comment:

Chris said...