Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Moving Out

Well, I posted my PIF online and waited for the avalanche of mail offering me all kinds of incentives if I would just please consider coming to serve their church. (sound of crickets chirping) Obviously, the response has been somewhat less than I had hoped. So I thought, Ok, they just need a little jump-start. I sent my PIF to ten or thirty of the more desirable churches and waited for their enthusiastic response. I now have a stack of letters that all begin with, "After reviewing your qualifications, the committee has decided.........................." By the time October rolled around and we had no money to pay the rent, we became homeless.

Lori's sister offered us a room in her house so, with the help of several seminary friends, we packed up our stuff and moved to eastern Ohio. Our address is now:

Ron and Lori Church
320 Alice St.
East Palestine, OH 44413
(563) 564-0813 (my cell #)

I am now searching for churches in eastern Ohio, western Pennylvania and northern West Virginia. I am expecting to achieve the same level of success here as I experienced in Iowa. I will keep updating all of you (both of you?) on how things are going as I continue the adventure of finding that one church for which God has prepared me.

Ron Church


Anonymous said...

Ron,know that you are not alone in wondering what the future holds. Aside from the homeless reality that has your mind in the grips of struggling let me assure you - God does have a wild imagination! I would look you in the eye, dear brother, and be silent with you as you seek to find a resting place for your head...a resting place called home. All will be well and all is well are words from the wise sage Julian of Norwich I offer to you - I do not have the answers but I do know that He is faithful to see you through this trying time. May blessings chase you down the street! Keep in touch as you continue down the path - on the way...

Deborah Coble said...

Dear Brother Ron,
Thank you so much for the updates - my prayers continue to be with you. God has richly blessed you this summer...never doubt HIS faithfulness.

Perhaps there's another round of CPE in your future - or VA chaplaincy - there are lots of men and women coming home these days in need of God's love and grace - and your care and story too!

Peace, your sister in Christ, Deborah
send me an email sometime...
debwise at mchsi dot com