Monday, May 22, 2006

code of heretics

There are those of us who want to push the limits of our salvation and God's grace so we are going to see "The Da Vinci Code" Tuesday night. We will be meeting at Potterveld around 745pm and will be going to the 830pm show. I do realize this is late for some of you older folks but I promise it will be fun. When it's over we can yell "heretic" at the screen and to everyone leaving the theater. Seeing Tom Hanks with a mullet is worth the price of admission. Who can turn down a movie where people laughed during the climax and the intense moments?


Pastor Tony said...

Here's an addendum to the post. If you need anything feel free to call or drop me an email

Lis said...

So sad... the movie that is. I saw it yesterday - though I LOVE Ron Howard, probably more because of Opi, I hurt for him on this project. It's not worth shouting "heretic" - after this movie, you'll have converts!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I want to bother going to see the movie, to be honest. I just finished reading the book, and from what I've heard, they spend the whole movie explaining all the CRAP that's in there. It's a good plot and interesting and all that...but...ahh - go. I don't want to get into all the stupid historical/biblical crap that guy lays out as "fact". Pisses me off. Let me know if it's any good.

Pastor Tony said...

Join us anyway's more about the company right?

Cheyanna said...

I would love the company and the laughs and maybe even yelling at the screen. But I am too lazy to stay out that late on a Tuesday (read Matt has to work). I cannot wait to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

IN MIDDLE GOVERNMENT ONLY INTEGRITY NEEDS GIFTS -- in Da Vinci-ese that would be "I'm going." Let me know if anyone needs a ride - I have room for three or four.

Cindy Marino said...

No movie for me, at least not in Dubuque ... but we're doing a discussion class on the book. I'm not that excited about it, but I guess it will provide a teaching opportunity. It's 'not coincidental' that the movie is getting bad reviews!

Pastor Tony said...

By the way we are going to the non-smelly theater...AKA...Star