Monday, July 10, 2006

For Inquiring Minds:

I have been slow to post this mostly because we do not have regular internet access which means that I have to walk down to the library to access the world wide web. Lucky for me now that we have moved it is mostly downhill to campus.

The nuetral pulpit we had went wonderfully. We have accepted a call to a congregation in Illinios. We aren't sure when we move from here but will let you know when we have more details.

Thanks for all your prayers, support, encouragement and humor.


Chris said...

a HUGE CONGRATS to you in Christ dear sister! This is just way kewl wonderful news. Keep us posted on the details. Can you tell us what congregation & town?

Cheyanna said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am waiting until all the meetings are done before I post on this public blog the name of the church. Thanks for your patience. (You can always email and I'll get back to you as soon as I am in the library again.)

We meet with the PNC to finalize terms of call tomorrow. We meet with the CPM on August 3rd to be examined for ordination. Candidate sometime after that and finally go before presbytery to be examined on September 12th. Not sure of a move date so guess I'll still be here when all of you return to the motherland.

I'll post more when it is all finalized.