Sunday, June 18, 2006

GA Update II: It's Not All Bad

Very soon, if not already, I am sure many affiliation groups will begin publishing material that purports negative aspects about the PC (USA). I want to assure any of you who are disenheartened that it is not all bad. There are two surprising experiences I would like to share.

1) I have been very surprised by the sense of community in my committee. For being a committee on GA Procedures and for only just meeting one another two days ago, I would have never guessed there would be a "community" formed. Granted, it was nothing like the intimate small groups I have been a part of, but it was far more than I expected. I walk away from the committee with many new friendships -- people I never would have met before, and with whom I am united because of the bond of the Spirit. It was a joy working with them. Everyone had both a tremendous respect for the issues at hand (however monotonous, technical, or tedious) and a tremendous respect for one another. I can truly say the Spirit was at work in our committee (not that he isn't in others, but hopefuly you understand!).

2) Sitting up in the second level of the arena I watched in awe, as people around the arena took part in the Lord's Supper. People from all over -- Korea, Nevada, Congo , Rhode Island and elsewhere. People from urban areas, rural areas, and suburban areas. People of all types, races, and opinions. All of these taking part in the Lord's Supper. Scanning the auditorium, I am constantly drawn to the communion table that is in the shape of the cross and takes up nearly the entire floor of the arena. This is an amazing event of the anticipation of the heavenly banquet. As we pass the plate and dip our piece of bread, the sounds of great hymns flood our ears in English and an African dialect. It is truly a worship experience I will never forget. (I only wish I could describe it better.)

Friends in Christ, know that there are great things going on in our denomination. God is not done with the PC (USA).

1 comment:

Chris said...

Thanks Dave for this encouraging report! I agree that our Lord is indeed not done using the PCUSA for His glory (even if some us are not called to this particular noble and needed fight)!